NEW! Free Radiation Protection Technician Prep Class

Begin a career as an RP Technician!

BHI is currently accepting applications for its free online preparatory class RP Theory Fundamentals for Junior Task Qualifications with instructors who help prepare individuals for the exam.  The course meets 3 times a week for two weeks and uses the free Microsoft Teams app as the course platform.

E-learning courses are sent to participants for self-study. Participants are expected to self-study a designated section of the material prior to joining an instructor online for quizzes and discussion focused on knowledge weaknesses.  After completion of the online class, students will be referred to proctors who can administer the Junior Fundamentals exam.

Once a candidate has passed the Junior Fundamentals exam, they can be considered for acceptance to BHI’s one week RP Technician Program, offered at no cost across the country at various locations.

Get details and apply at www.bhienergycom/training/radiation-protection-training/